Artisan Dental

by Kevin Fritz

Consistently on the cutting edge of modern dentistry, Artisan Dental has become a trailblazing leader in an era that Dr. Mary Isaacs refers to as Medicine and Dental 3.0.

“Initially, the medical and dental fields were the equivalent of band-aids and first-aid kits,” says Dr. Isaacs, “followed by more preventive medicine with vaccinations. Now, we are trying to prevent the disease before it occurs.”

Artisan Dental, founded by Dr. Isaacs in Winter Springs 30 years ago. She was joined in 2021 by Dr. Katie Miller, and together they practice integrated dental medicine that focuses on finding and treating the root cause of disease. Through testing, specifically with certain labs and saliva tests, a patient today can be treated before a disease progresses. Those preventable diseases go far beyond the teeth and gums.

Proactive, Preventive Approaches

For example, as a BaleDoneen Method provider, Dr. Isaacs follows protocols to help prevent a patient from suffering a heart attack or stroke. Dr. Bradley Bale, one of the founders of the BaleDoneen Method, coauthored the book Beat the Heart Attack Gene.

“Bradley Bale believes there is a connection from plaque in the mouth forming plaque in the heart and plaque in the brain,” explains Dr. Isaacs.

To that end, Artisan Dental utilizes an assessment called the HR5 High Risk Pathogen Test that analyzes saliva for the top five red complex bacteria responsible for many diseases. If any of those five bacteria are present, the patient is more prone to gum disease, having a heart attack or stroke, being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, or delivering premature babies.

“We’ll see people who have no bleeding, nor excessive plaque and tartar, and very low signs of gum disease, but they can have three HR5 complex bacteria,” says Dr. Isaacs, adding that the bacteria can remain dormant in the body until something acts as a trigger. “Then we will see healthy people suddenly develop deep pockets of bleeding, and painful and loose teeth. This could have been prevented if we knew the bacteria was in their systems. We are truly physicians of the mouth.”

Solutions for Sleep Apnea

Understanding the importance of dental sleep medicine in an integrated dental practice, Dr. Isaacs holds a Diplomate designation from the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine.  For Dr. Isaacs, who is considered an expert in the dental sleep medicine field, children are one of her biggest concerns. Her hygienist Carol Norsesian, a trained myofunctional therapist, works with children to help them avoid developing a sleeping disorder. Dr. Isaacs says that children with sleeping disorders perform poorly in school, wet their beds, and many are misdiagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). Assisting in opening an airway as they sleep with a modern-day appliance – not a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine – strengthens muscles so children can self-support their airway as it changes through their lifetime.

Specialized, Minimally Invasive Treatments

The goal at Artisan Dental is to be minimally invasive with treatments. As part of that goal, Dr. Isaacs is further trained in the Bioclear Method.  This conservative process allows for the wrapping of teeth together with a composite to avoid the need for costly and invasive crowns, while strengthening teeth and preserving enamel. This conservative approach can break the standard cycle of cavity to crown to root canal to extraction to implant.

“With the Bioclear Method, that tooth may never need a crown, it may never need a root canal, and it may never need an implant,” says Dr. Isaacs. “It looks beautiful without having to sacrifice good tooth structure.”

Of course, beyond specialized treatments, initial cavity prevention remains a top priority at Artisan Dental. A partnership with SuperTeeth, which offers a holistic approach to toothpaste and oral care products – with no artificial ingredients – helps patients reach that goal. And instead of fluoride, Dr. Isaacs prefers hydroxyapatite, which strengthens enamel and is more resistant to decay. Indeed, at Artisan Dental, disease prevention at all levels is the fundamental goal. It’s the practice of  complex biorejuvenation dentistry, but it always begins with a healthy foundation.

“We want to give our patients their best life,” says Dr. Isaacs. “A dentist can change a smile on a good day. On a great day, we can save a life.”


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